Week Four: Wonder Woman Theme Park

Image result for early lie detector wonder woman

I read from a classmate and friend, Negin, who had the great idea of separating a Wonder Woman theme park into two sides. One, themed as an Amazonian island, and the other as a WW2 “Man’s World”. You can see her original post here.

Not only does this increase interest in the different ‘worlds’ of the park, it can also increase ticket prices similar to Disney World with Epcot and Hollywood Studios, or Universal Studio’s The Wizarding World of Harry Potter with Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.

For the “Man’s World”, I would place it in the author’s world, shortly after the Wonder Woman comics took hold. I think this would lend opportunity for strong costuming of the 1940’s. This could show the excitement of the time, post WW2. 

There would be photo booths, where both boys and girls could come and be transformed into a superhero. There would be interactive shows where boys and girls could learn to fight from Wonder Woman, and fight off villains such as Baroness von Gunther or Circe with fun choreography.

In the Amazonian World, there would be activities such as clay sculpting for all ages, just as Queen Hippolyta sculpted Princess Diana from clay. Metal bracelets would be handed out at fun street-side shows as Wonder Woman comes out to battle more villains with trickier choreography and music.

In the Man’s World, the pathways would be lined with wire graphics, like those of the lie detector. In the Amazonian world, the pathways would be lined with metallic golden wires, like Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth. This would relate the two in the minds of visitors, and connect the world of author and fantasy.

This world sounds quite exciting, and I hope to see something made.


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